Elizabeth Roberts is a former TODAY show freelancer. As a production assistant for a live, four-hour broadcast, she facilitated all aspects of production: supporting the executive producers in the control room, conducting guest research, managing West Coast updates for national correspondents, building the rundown and running scripts. As a NBC page, she worked for Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live, TODAY, Weekend TODAY and MSNBC. A former USA TODAY contributor and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Maryland, she enjoys writing about television, film, and sociocultural trends and media commentary.
Elizabeth Roberts — Author
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Tribeca Interviews: ‘Obit’ Shows Doing Justice to a Life in 800 Words Is Harder Than It Looks
Éric Joisel spent the majority of his day looking at paper. As an internationally renowned origami master, he could transform unimaginative, bland sheets into a miniature band of musicians, an African mask, even... -
Tribeca Interviews: ‘haveababy’ Shows ‘Winning’ a Child Still Brings Challenges
Infertility isn’t something typically taught in sex ed. For Oscar-nominated director Amanda Micheli (La Corona), it wasn’t an issue she knew much about until she and her husband struggled for three years to... -
Exclusive Q&A: Eugenie Bondurant Takes On Tigris In ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2’
At 6’1, Eugenie Bondurant knew she might not get traditional film roles. Luckily, the model-turned-actress who walked New York and Paris runways wasn’t seeking the “traditional” parts. She wanted the outsider... -
Elliot Knight Talks Merlin’s Comeback On ‘Once Upon a Time’
Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) looks a bit different this season. Her glossy blonde hair has turned frosty, her clothes range from different shades of black, and she seems to have no problem killing her friends. Meet... -
‘Orange Is the New Black’ Spotlight: Julie Lake Dishes On Playing an Addict as ‘Angie Rice’
On Thursday, June 11, our favorite prison ladies were back to plotting each other's downfalls, keeping paternity secrets, and busting terminally ill inmates out of jail (or at least that’s where they left us at the... -
Tribeca Interviews — ‘A Nazi Legacy: What Our Fathers Did’ Asks: Could You Forgive Your Dad If He Was a Nazi?
Hearing the name “Hitler” inspires a visceral reaction combined with automatic feelings of hatred, disgust and repulsion. But as much as he was the mastermind behind the Holocaust and countless other horrific... -
Tribeca Interviews: ‘Among the Believers’ Questions If There’s A Way Out of Future Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan
When Zarina, a student, escaped from the Red Mosque, she threw her mandatory burqa behind her. Staring defiantly into the camera, she said, “They are not Muslims, they are infidels,” explaining why she jumped off... -
James Tupper Reveals That David Clarke Is Continuing His Comeback on ABC’s ‘Revenge’
For three seasons, Revenge fans thought David Clarke was dead. Dying in a knife fight in jail seemed a fittingly violent end for a man convicted of terrorism, murdering over 200 people on Flight 197. But there was one... -
‘Birdman,’ ‘Boyhood’ or ‘American Sniper?’: GALO Predicts the 2015 Oscar Winners
For nine years Neil Patrick Harris impressed and horrified us with his snappy, deviant lines as Barney on "How I Met Your Mother." This year, he’s hosting the Oscars and we’re all excited to see him in one tuxedoed...
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