Author Nadine Christian Is Pitcairn’s First Novelist
GALO: What are some particular challenges that living in such a remote place as Pitcairn posed to writing your novel?
NC: Isolation is a particularly huge challenge. Although the Internet and phone have opened our boundaries up to the world, giving us instant access to every nook and cranny of the world, physically we’re still locked in. It takes three months to receive or send off anything (or anybody) from the island, so mail or travel away is extremely difficult. Just to get a paper copy of my book Remembering Love took forever! I think most people were able to order and receive their copies months before I was!
GALO: Conversely, what are some of the benefits?
NC: Isolation! Because we don’t have the hustle and bustle of everywhere else, I have the luxury of time. I don’t have a boss leaning over my shoulder, to have to punch a time card in a nine-to-five job. Although there are other jobs to do here that are essential to daily life — such as making bread (no bread unless you make it), tending gardens (no fresh veggies unless you plant it), gathering firewood (no hot water unless you burn a fire to get it, etc.) — there is no firm hours or overseer to make sure you do it. Life here is more 24/7, although you choose the terms.
GALO: I imagine life on an island with as small a population as Pitcairn keeps you very busy. How do you find time to write amidst everything else?
NC: I tend to write in the quiet times — and with five kids that’s when the bigger kids are at school and the little one is taking her nap. I think that’s one of the things parenthood has taught me — to prioritize, and because writing is a part of my life, it’s a thing I make time to do.
GALO: What was it like first hearing your novel was getting published?
NC: Mind blowing; pure and simple.
Someone once told me that you’re not a writer until you’ve been rejected. I’m not sure how true that is, but if it was I’d be considered a writer a hundred times over! That e-mail advising me that Remembering Love had been accepted for publishing was amazing. My jaw dropped open, tears fell, and then I had to tell my husband what was wrong. He thought I’d gotten bad news, not good! We invited friends down for a few drinks, and a couple of celebratory wines later the grin still hadn’t left my face.
GALO: What are your hopes for Remembering Love?
NC: That people love the book first of all. Then that it gets me noticed! I have two other romances looking for homes, a Young Adult novel and two Middle Grade novels out with my agent looking for homes. There are more Pitcairn based stories out there waiting for readers!
GALO: You’re the first novelist in the history of Pitcairn. Do you ever think about that?
NC: There is an amazing pool of talent on Pitcairn — artists who use wood, bone or tapa cloth to promote their artistic skills. I just use a pen. I’m extremely proud to be part of the Pitcairn artistic group.
GALO: What do other people on Pitcairn think of your novel?
NC: I’ve had people ask me, who did I model this character after? Or, tell me that they know this area that I wrote about. One even told me I had a place name wrong — and I changed it very darn quickly! They’re proud that Pitcairn is getting a wider audience.
GALO: On a wider scale, what has response been like from people around the world?
NC: Huge. I’ve had New Zealand media contact me, and interest from all over. I think the pull originally was the Pitcairn factor, then that my last name is Christian — but then people started saying how much they enjoyed the book; that alone made me feel that I was doing something right.
GALO: You also have a blog and Web site. Could you talk a little about those?
NC: My blog — Nadine Christian, Author, Mother, Wife, Taster of Life… is written intending to give a little bit more in-depth look into Pitcairn, being a mother, writer and how I go about my everyday life. I try to write a new blog entry once a week, but sometimes life intervenes.
My Web site has drawn interest from all over the world. I’ve had hits from such far flung places as India, China, Dubai, and of course the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand.
GALO: I’m sure everyone asks this, but readers want to know: what’s the best thing about living on Pitcairn? Do you think the island itself helps inspire creativity?
NC: There are so many things! The community, the beauty of the island, the pristine sea and pollution free air — you have to work hard for what you have, but the freedom to choose the time when to do it. Sometimes I catch myself sitting and staring out to the horizon, straight out into the hazy blue of ocean meeting sky, and think how lucky I am. I have my family, my health and I’m doing what I love in a place of beauty, where everyone knows my name and will support me, no matter what. Where else can you do that?
GALO: What plans do you have in the future? More books?
NC: Hopefully I’ll have some news about a new signing soon, and yes, there will be more Pitcairn based stories out there!
GALO: Anything else you’d like to say?
NC: I’m currently running a competition.
Show me that you’ve bought my book, and I’ll draw from those lucky people a wonderful prize sent from Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific Ocean.
Send me a picture of you holding my paperback, a Kindle/Nook with the cover page prominent. Post it on Facebook or Twitter me the photo! Or e-mail it to
I would like to give away one signed copy of my book, and a BLACK PEARL NECKLACE AND EARRING SET! You’ve got to be in to win…and for an $11 book or a $6 e-book — you cannot lose!
Competition will end on the 30th of April!
GALO readers who wish to purchase a copy of “Remembering Love” can do so at Amazon (in both print and Kindle e-book edition) and Barnes & Noble (print and Nook e-book).
Featured image: Author Nadine Christian. Photo Courtesy of: Nadine Christian.