Old-School Meets New-School in ‘Skyfall’
We all know the basic blueprint: British Secret Service super-agent James Bond, armed with devilish good looks, an immaculately pressed suit and humor as dry as his martinis, must save Queen and country from the...
‘Silver Linings Playbook’ Shows the Right Moves
Everyone has one of those days when nothing seems to go right, calamity looms large or you just can’t seem to get Stevie Wonder’s voice out of your head. To those who have difficulty being optimistic when things...
‘Anna Karenina’ Is Full Of Beauty, But Yearns For Something More
The challenge of bringing one of the all-time great romances to the screen once again is finding some way to make it a completely unique entity unto itself. With a few dashes of old world sensibilities and a whisper...
‘Holy Motors’: Léos Carax Takes Us on a Wild Ride through Paris
Watching Holy Motors, French director Léos Carax’s (Les Amants du Pont-Neuf, POLA X) first film in 13 years, we continually have to remind ourselves that the movie in front of us is the same as the one from 20...
Hollywood, the CIA’s Deadliest Weapon in ‘Argo’
As tensions between the United States and Iran come to a frothy boil in the present day over the Iranian nuclear program, Argo places viewers into a metaphorical time capsule and brings them back to a time when the...
‘Cloud Atlas’: A Sextet of Shoddy Storytelling
It’s hard enough to make one movie that’s consistently engaging and worthwhile, let alone a half-dozen of them. If nothing else, the makers of the sprawling piece of saccharine Cloud Atlas get credit for having...
Chasing Memory with a Camera
Chasing one’s memories down the decades is a little like trying to catch butterflies in a snowstorm. You know they’re there — if you’re patient enough, persistent enough, you’re sure to capture something,...
‘Taken 2’: A Forced, Feeble Sequel
Once you’ve saved your child’s life, you’d think that would forever cement your worth as a parent. Still, there are always more bad guys the world over plotting to harm your kid and make you suffer for their...
‘Lawless’ Offers Mild Quaff of Gangster-Era Cocktail
When you’re in need of a stiff drink, you want the real thing and not a cheap off-shoot. Of course, living in a certain time and place when that’s not possible, sometimes you just have to settle. In the same way...
‘The Words’: It Seemed Like A Good Idea On Paper…
We all have something to say. However, precious few of us have lived experiences unique enough to be recounted and fewer still have the perspicacity to express their innermost thoughts and desires into significant...
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