You Asked, Emmanuelle Vaugier Answered!

Actress Emmanuelle Vaugier. Photo Credit: Marc Kayne.
The equally stunning and talented Canadian actress Emmanuelle Vaugier, who could most recently be seen on the finale of Two and a Half Men, took part in our readers’ series and answered your most pressing questions. In-between getting ready for the premiere of the last season of Lost Girl — a Canadian supernatural drama television show that has gained an impressive cult following, and on which Vaugier plays the clever and manipulative Evony, the leader of the dark Fae, who enjoys nothing more than exploiting both humans and fairies — and organizing campaigns for her charity, The Fluffball, the self-described easygoing and dorky animal lover addressed your queries about her career, her organization, and what she likes to do when she’s not on set. Read on to find out what she had to say!
Tapan Pal from India asks: You recently featured in the series finale of Two and a Half Men. How was it working on that set — can you share something about working with both Charlie Sheen and Ashton Kutcher?
Emmanuelle Vaugier: I’ve been a part of the show on and off since season two, so coming back for the finale was a lot of fun. It was great to get to see everyone again.
Tina from New Jersey asks: With Lost Girl coming to a close soon, I was wondering what you will miss the most about being on the show. Is it hard to say goodbye to everyone on set?
EV: The cast and crew are what I am going to miss the most. We really had a wonderful group of people, and we all really genuinely loved working together. Luckily, the cast keeps in touch, and I’m sure we will all end up working together on various shows in the future.
Rashida Kapadia from Dubai asks: Will we be able to see more of Evony/The Morrigan in the last eight episodes of Season 5 of Lost Girl, and can you tell us a little more about what to expect from those final episodes?
EV: You will definitely see the Morrigan in season 5 of Lost Girl. A more vulnerable, human side of Evony is definitely present in the final episodes…but not without her signature sarcasm and humor peppered throughout!
Djenneta Satlykova from Moscow, Russia asks: Which character traits of the Morrigan do you admire the most?
EV: Her strength.
Beck Brock from Alabama asks: From what I’ve read, you give so much to charity by donating what was used on set, such as your wardrobe and props. I’m curious, though, what was one thing that you have kept from the set of Lost Girl that you would never give up (and why)?
EV: The riding boots I wore in season 5 — only because I use those a lot [laughs]!
Kim Simpson from Fredericksburg, Virginia asks: Was there any specific catalyst (other than your love for animals) that inspired you to create your foundation, The Fluffball? And where do you plan to take your foundation in coming years?
EV: I believe that it’s important to give back. Creating The Fluffball was my way of bringing people together to raise awareness and money for a cause very close to my heart. I hope to grow my foundation to where we are able to throw events around the country and abroad and raise awareness for all kinds of animal causes.
Andreia Rodrigues from Portugal asks: If you could choose any part in any movie or TV show (still on or not), what would it be and why?
EV: Angelina Jolie’s role in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It’s the perfect combo of action, drama and comedy…and for me that equals fun. I want to have fun on whatever it is I am working on.
Susie from Indiana asks: If you could work with any actor or actress in the world, who would it be and why?
EV: Robert Downey Jr. He is so incredibly talented and charismatic.
Amanda from New York asks: Many people lead busy lives where work sometimes dictates one’s day to day choices, yourself included. What do you do in your spare time that is a way of distancing yourself from that world? In other words, what do you enjoy doing outside of being on set?
EV: I spend a lot of time riding horses and hanging out with my dogs. I’m also passionate about animal causes, so a lot of my focus gets pulled toward that.
Sandra from Missouri asks: Seeing as Lost Girl is in its final season, can you share with us what you will be working on next?
EV: I am busy organizing the Fourth Annual Fluffball, my charity event to be held in Los Angeles on Saturday, October 3rd to benefit the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation. We need YOU! We’ve launched a Crowdrise campaign to raise money for the Fourth Annual Fluffball. Check out our page to join our team.
Donate at least $30 and you’ll receive a signed photo of me.
Want to get more involved? Join our team and enlist the support of your friends and family to raise the most money for The Fluffball. We will select one winner who has raised the most money by September 5, 2015 to receive two tickets to attend The Fluffball event in Los Angeles (travel and accommodations not included; tickets are non-transferable).
If you’d like to donate to the Fourth Annual Fluffball, click here. For more information about Emmanuelle Vaugier, you can visit her official Web site or follow her on Twitter @evaugier. “Lost Girl” returns April 17 on Syfy. || Featured image: Photo Credit: Marc Kayne.