Muzz Khan Spills ‘Galavant’ Secrets and Upcoming Projects

Actor Muzz Khan could last be seen in ABC’s musical comedy series “Galavant.” Photo Credit: Jack Alexander.
“He’s dead! He got shot by Jon Snow in Game of Thrones!”
Well, there you have it Galavant fans, straight from Muzz Khan’s mouth: Galavant (Joshua Sasse), the handsome knight, is dead. Don’t have a heart attack just yet, though, because this quirky and uncensored actor is merely tugging on our heart strings and kidding around! After all, we know you’re probably already on edge since this sophomore season of Galavant has been nothing but a series of twists and turns, ranging from wars and power struggles to a Weird-Al Yankovic officiated wedding (we won’t spoil whose in case you haven’t caught up to the finale just yet!). And then there’s the fact that we still don’t know if there will be a season 3, with news of the show’s cancellation circulating in the ethersphere. Khan, like us, is keeping his fingers crossed that the musical journey is not yet over.
“Fingers crossed for season three! The fans are savagely petitioning as we speak!” Khan revealed to Design & Trend in a recent interview.
Khan plays Barry on ABC’s musical comedy Galavant, and if you’re a fan of the show, then you’ve seen the genius scene stealer that is Barry — who can forget that time when he sent out the wrong save the dates, and to his enemy nonetheless! Although Khan was pretty tight-lipped when it came to the future of our favorite hero, luckily, he did let us in on a few tiny behind-the-scenes moments from this season.
“I think season 2 Galavant definitely found its voice and honed it,” Khan tells us in an exclusive interview. “Season one was about Galavant going, ‘Hey guys! We’re this crazy new comedy concept. We’re like Disney meets Spamalot, Monty Python and Game of Thrones in the medieval era.’ It’s not a heavy show…and that’s crucial with any show, to not take itself too seriously,” he further explains.
While the show may not take itself too seriously, like King Richard’s (Timothy Omundson) reactions to basically everything that happens to him (i.e.: every time he interacts with Galavant), the actors on the other hand take a whole different approach — especially when it comes to the musical numbers. The hours of rehearsal time that go into any given routine are very rigorous, and Khan knows all too well the painstaking detail of creating the final product.

Karen David stars as Isabella in ABC’s “Galavant” Episode 205: Season 2. Photo Credit: ABC/Nick Ray.

Actors Timothy Omundson (King Richard) and Joshua Sasse (Galavant) star in episode 208 of ABC’s musical comedy series “Galavant.” Photo Credit: ABC/Nick Ray.
Joining the ranks of a successful show in its second season on air isn’t an easy feat for any actor, and it’s made all the more challenging when you throw intense choreography, intricate musical numbers, and acting into the mix. While Khan is a DJ and is used to waiting for the beat to drop, nothing prepared him for what he would experience with the musical numbers on Galavant.
“I’m a very rhythmic person, so I can catch a tune, learn dance numbers and choreography really quickly,” he says. “The hardest part was doing that and remembering your lines and doing it in front of a zillion cameras. Also, [it was hard] doing it 10 or 15 times in the same day — and in costume!”
However, Khan’s work didn’t even compare to the amount of energy some of his co-stars had to exert while prepping for each episode.
“For everyone else — people like Joshua [Sasse] and Karen [David], who I think have one song every single episode — I don’t know how they do it. Also, they would have singing sessions in advance because they have so much to learn,” Khan tells GALO.
But according to Khan, it’s precisely this level of rigor and dedication on set that makes the show a hit, not to mention it creates a strong bond for the cast.
“It’s cliché, I know. But it was a family atmosphere on set,” he says.
If you’re a fan of Khan’s work (and why wouldn’t you be?), you’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the next year. In the words of the London-based actor himself, maybe even too much! Khan has just signed to Industry Entertainment and promises that his role on Galavant is the first in a long string of career defining characters.
“You guys will want to get rid of me! You’ll be like, ‘Oh my God! It’s Muzz again! If he’s not on CBS, he’s on ABC or Fox. Can I just switch off the TV for once and not see him on a billboard?’” he says with laughter in his voice.
He’ll also be appearing in Me Before You — based on Jojo Moyes‘ bestselling book — alongside Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones. Although don’t expect Clarke’s character to be anything like Daenerys Targaryen because Khan describes her character, Louisa Clark, in Me Before You as “Bjork on acid.” As for Clarke herself, he says, “Emilia Clarke is hands down one of the coolest, funniest, most charming and wickedest actresses I have ever worked with in my life.” We’re pretty sure the feeling is mutual.
In case you missed some (or all) episodes of ABC’s “Galavant,” you can currently stream season 2 on Hulu. And if you haven’t already seen it, be sure to check out the trailer for “Me Before You” below! To keep up with Muzz Khan’s latest endeavors, you can follow him on Twitter @muzzkhan.
Video courtesy of Warner Bros. UK.