‘Picasso: Black and White’ and All the Shades of Gray
Ambitious, brilliant, challenging, daring, enlivening, formidable — you could go through all the letters of the alphabet and not exhaust the number of adjectives for his genius. His style and subject matter...
The Numerous Expressions of Rineke Dijkstra at the Guggenheim
Regardless of how photogenic you may, or may not think you are, according to Rineke Dijkstra, we all have a “photo face.”
The Art of Fender-Bending: John Chamberlain at the Guggenheim
In a car-obsessed culture, everyone’s got another crash, another pile-up story to beat all. In sculptor John Chamberlain’s case, his fender-benders were no accident. The metal parts...
Museums’ Problems Revealed
It’s Wednesday evening and you’ve just come home from work. As you make dinner plans for the night, you realize that you haven’t been to a museum in a while. Excited over the notion...
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